Colours of the Rainbow Part 2

(This book is suitable for teenagers between 13 and 19 years)

Ada, a young and decent girl from the village of Amagu, is inundated with challenges. Like most young people she wasn’t prepared for the degree of obstacles and sufferings with which she was faced.

The distressful loss of her father in an accident was closely accompanied by the dreadful claws of a wicked “Lagos aunt” who would stop at nothing to make her life miserable. Furthermore, her engagement with the formidable clique in her school on the battle field of economic status drilled holes in her already worn armour.

But Ada was determined to make headway in spite of the blows life dealt her. She believed firmly in the axiom ‘Tough times don’t last; but tough people do.’ Undaunted, she endured the hardships that besieged her until she actualized her dreams. Her inner driving force and determination preserved and propelled her desire to succeed.

For Ada, success is a reward for a persevering warlord who keeps striving in the face of great adversities. No thought of retreat is entertained, particularly in those moments when no one believes in you.

This captivating book teaches the irrefutable fact that success has no respect for ethnographic boundaries, economic class, religious stratification, sexual dichotomy or enduring ancestry, and it encourages everyone to face all challenges, aspire for greatness, and press on till their life goals are realized.

(Please note that you’re purchasing the e-copy of the book in PDF format.)